2015 Bermuda Heroes Weekend, June 12-15, 2015

Bermuda Tourism Authority

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Experience the first carnival-style celebration to ever grace the island of Bermuda – the ultimate summer party. The Bermuda Heroes Weekend (June 12-15, 2015) is a series of events with a focus on Bermudian culture, including music, food, boating and dance! National Heroes Day is celebrated each year on the third Monday in June honouring Bermudians who have been officially designated as National Heroes in Bermuda. But in 2015, the day has been expanded into an islandwide celebration – Bermuda Heroes Weekend.

At the forefront of this epic event is Bermuda’s own Soca DJ, Jason R. Sukdeo (aka D’General). Opening night on Friday, June 12, will be the biggest Soca event Bermuda has seen in years, with dancing, lights and music all on Hamilton’s Front Street. The Parade of Bands on Saturday, June 13, held at the Morgan’s Point Property in Southampton, will feature dazzling costumes and great music. On Sunday, June 14, enjoy “Pan in the Park” in Hamilton’s Victoria Park, with some of the greatest local and international Pan artists and bands providing wonderful pan steel drum music. On Monday, June 15, the party heads for Bermuda’s legendary turquoise waters, with the Edward Cross Long Distance Comet Race going from the West End of the island to a grand finale in St. George’s Harbour. There will also be an official Bermuda Heroes’ Weekend Raft Up, with dozens of boats, local and international DJs and plenty of splash-filled fun.

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